A VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology lets a computer using a public internet connection join a private network by means of a secure "tunnel" between that machine and the network. The most common of implementing this method is when a business allows its employees to connect to the work network away from work. To connect your machine to a virtual private network, there are two principal ways. The first and most common scenario, called outgoing, is to set up a remote computer with access to the office network. The second scenario, called incoming, which occurs on the work network, where a computer is allowed to connect to other computers outside of the network securely.
Windows 7 comes preloaded with the Agile VPN client, making setting up either connection relatively easy. (Note that if you are using Windows 8, the following Windows 7 configuration steps are similar to Windows 8 desktop environment)
Setting up a VPN Connection in Windows 7
Step 1:
Click the Start button, and in the search bar type "Network and Sharing"
Step 2:
Once you are in the Network and Sharing Center window, click the link "Set up a new connection or network".
Click "Connect to a workplace" > Next
Step 4:
How do you want to connect? Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"
Step 5:
Depending on the VPN server you are trying to connect, fill in the first field (Internet Address) with the server address.
Note: This address can be either an IP address like ( or a URL (uk1.vpn.surf)
Enter what you prefer in the second field (Destination name) as a name for your new VPN connection > Next
These are the VPN Surf server locations:
Step 6:
Type your VPN account credentials (you can get account credentials by purchasing a VPN subscription) and when finished, click Connect.
If you haven't checked the don't want to connect now a checkbox in step 4, It will establish a connection to the VPN server and verify your username and password automatically.
Note: The connection type priority is: SSTP, PPTP, and L2TP in this process, it will choose one of them automatically.
It takes a couple of seconds (If all went well and there are no problems with credentials and the VPN server, you are connected!)
How to Disconnect and reconnect to a created VPN?
- To disconnect from a VPN connection, Click the network icon in the taskbar, select the VPN connection in the available networks and connections list, and then click Disconnect.
- To connect to the same VPN connection whenever you need to then simply click connect.
Here are other blogs on how to set up a VPN connection in different Systems:
- How to install VPN on Windows 8
- How to install VPN on Windows 10
If you are facing any problems with the installation/configuration, feel free to comment below.
Do you value your privacy online?
Use VPN Surf and surf safely and securely in the open waters of the internet.